We are delighted to announce the creation of a new grant, known as the Anthony Aris Research Award. The awards are designed to support students who encounter significant research expenses, such as long-distance travel for fieldwork in Asia, or costs for essential research materials (e.g., fees for the digitization of Tibetan manuscripts). Students of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies will be able to apply for an award at any point during the year. An application form can be downloaded from the website of the Tibetan and Himalayan Studies Centre at Wolfson College.
The awards are named after Anthony Aris (1946-2015), traveller across Asia, publisher of the most exquisite books on Central Asia and the Himalayas through his publishing house Serindia, and friend and inspirer of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies at Oxford (https://www.iats.info/2015/11/anthony-aris-1926-2015/). We are enormously grateful to the Aris family thanks to whose generosity we are able to offer these awards.